
Zach Garner

You are here: Corpsoft.io QA Zach Garner
Zach Garner

💬 Feedback summary:
Corpsoft.io has successfully delivered the custom product using 7.5 sprints, meeting the client’s business goals. The team delivers quickly and provides daily updates and weekly video conferences. They ask tough questions and respond to every single comment or question.

💬 Project summary:
Corpsoft.io has developed an MVP and custom software for a vehicle marketplace. They provide ongoing support for the product’s features.


❓ Please describe your company and position.
💬 “I am the VIN.org MVP of VIN, LLC”

❓ Describe what your company does in a single sentence.
💬 “vin.org allows you to preview extensive data on your vehicle, buy and sell services, list your vehicle for sale and verify your VIN.”


❓ What specific goals or objectives did you hire Corpsoft.io to accomplish?
💬 “- Create an MVP
– Further work for extending product features”


❓ How did you find Corpsoft.io?
💬 “Online Search”

❓ Why did you select Corpsoft.io over others?
💬 “Company values aligned”

❓ How many teammates from Corpsoft.io were assigned to this project?
💬 “6-10 Employees”

❓ Describe the scope of work in detail. Please include a summary of key deliverables.
💬 “Complete a comprehensive MVP and custom software service vin.org.”


❓ What were the measurable outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?
💬 “A custom product was delivered using 7.5 sprints and reaching my business goals for a marketable product.”

❓ Describe their project management. Did they deliver items on time? How did they respond to your needs?
💬 “Corpsoft.io team delivers quickly. The team gave daily updates and weekly video conferences. The team worked for 6 months (currently) on my project and worked with my continuous feedback to create a marketable MVP. The team ialways there and asking tough questions (something I admire when working with others). Every single comment or question was answered or is being worked on currently.”

❓ What was your primary form of communication with Corpsoft.io?
💬 “- Virtual Meeting
– Email or Messaging App”

❓ What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?
💬 “Tamara was the person I worked with most. She was great and kept up on objectives, strategy and further compiled work. Other members chimed in and asked questions when there were clarifications that were needed. I believe having this structure of employees deployed helps keep everything organized and in motion. A+ to the team.”

❓ Are there any areas for improvement or something Corpsoft.io could have done differently?
💬 “Because the team is so advanced, and I’m a novice, I didn’t understand some of the needed steps to complete a project of this size and complexity. After sending a brief of my project, and receiving a quote for said work, I was under the impression that everything I asked for would be completed to my liking in the given sprints. I was mistaken and ended up needing an additional 2.5 sprints.

Because of my ignorance, I was expecting the team to completely understand what I envisioned and that is just not possible to do. I am happy with the work and I will be continuing to do work on this project in the future of vin.org. I would say overall, the only thing I would suggest improvement on is the quoting process and making sure we are both aligned on what a project entails.”


💬 “Excellent team; I will refer and continue to work with Corpsoft.io”

5.0 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ – Quality;
5.0 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ – Schedule;
4.5 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ – Cost;
5.0 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ – Willing to refer.



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