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The Road to Success:

The Story of Corpsoft

Today, you see us as an established company of young and ambitious experts, moving on the path to becoming a major corporation. Thanks to our clients and hard work, Corpsoft Solutions, or simply, is more energized than ever on this productive growth path, creating valuable applications and startups that open new horizons in modern technology.

Our support for businesses of all sizes is based on a deep understanding of your challenges and a desire to improve. We started our journey as a small startup and, in just a few years, have transformed into Corspoft Solutions, one of the fastest-growing IT companies in the U.S. market.

But how did it all begin? We’re ready to share the story of Corpsoft Solutions — our early challenges, joyful moments, and what we’re proud of today.


The Beginning of and the "Valley of Death"

So in the winter of 2017, Andrii and Daria opened their first office in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Andrii became the CEO, while Daria took on the role of COO. The office was small, with just four desks, but it was filled with the team’s energy and passion for technology.


Tasks are completed, but nothing is truly accomplished

So in the winter of 2017, Andrii and Daria opened their first office in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Andrii became the CEO, while Daria took on the role of COO. The office was small, with just four desks, but it was filled with the team’s energy and passion for technology.


The beginning was tough.
No clients, no partners, no money.

During the initial two years, our company faced typical startup challenges known as the “Valley of Death.” This phase is a major hurdle for most startups, but we persevered, focusing on our vision of a successful company that helps other business owners.

We confronted challenges such as financial constraints and declining morale, even from close friends. But we never stopped believing in our mission.

What did we do?

  • Made our first client calls
  • Searched for clients on Upwork
  • Planned and developed new projects

Gradually, our hard work paid off. Within the first six months, in that very office, we developed five digital products for clients from the U.S. 🇺🇸, France 🇫🇷, Denmark 🇩🇰, Romania 🇷🇴, Ukraine 🇺🇦, and New Zealand 🇳🇿. This early success laid the foundation for future growth. This spark ignited our productivity, which was already a significant achievement during that challenging period.


A New Office in Kharkiv and the Dawn of

By 2019, our company not only survived the difficult early years but also began to grow rapidly:

  1. We moved to a new office five times larger than the previous one.
  2. We expanded our team to 10 people and formed an internal combat unit — a team consisting of 2-3 developers and a product delivery manager. This setup allowed us to manage projects more effectively and deliver solutions to clients faster.

After surviving the “Valley of Death” for two years, we not only didn’t close down but grew in every metric. At this stage, we made our first conclusion:


A motivated and driven team is the key to significant progress and overcoming difficulties.

During this period, we also began working with an important client, who later became our business partner. Together we developed an innovative healthcare platform for online vision testing and monitoring. This project was special — it was the largest at that moment and required compliance with all HIPAA standards, presenting a new challenge for the team.

After overcoming the challenges of starting a business in the digitalization sector, we faced a new one — the COVID-19 pandemic.


The 1st Black Swan: COVID-19 Pandemic

In the year 2020,, like many others, experienced significant changes. With the shift to remote work, the entire office had to swiftly adapt and demonstrate flexibility.

At the time, our focus was on the healthcare industry, which suddenly faced instability and challenges due to the impact of COVID-19. This led to some of our clients pausing their projects.

In response to these challenges, our team also underwent a restructuring, welcoming new and talented individuals who contributed to strengthening our company. And despite the difficulties, we became more resilient, and the new energy and ideas spurred us forward.


As soon as COVID began, it became clear that most businesses would shut down, and the fact that we specialize in business digitalization would have an impact on the world.
– Andrii Svyrydov, CEO, Founder, and Solution Architect of Corpsoft Solutions

What did Andrii do?

  • Didn’t back down
  • Hired a marketing team
  • Expanded the staff (by hiring managers and developers)
  • Invested in online promotion

This way, we managed to increase the flow of incoming clients, and ultimately, during the COVID period, the company doubled in size. Every year since then, we continue growing by 2x.

Was it a risk? Yes! Did it work? Absolutely!

What next?

We began actively promoting our services on platforms like Fiverr and Bark, which helped attract major clients and keep the company thriving. Our marketing team continued to develop the Upwork profile and focused on the proposal process.

What happened to the office?

We closed it and found the advantage of working remotely. The businesses we started working with also learned and adapted to the new reality, just like us. A new wave of digitalization began, and we were fully prepared to meet this rising demand.

2022: War and New Challenges

The 2nd Black Swan...

In 2022, another life-changing event emerged — the onset of the russian invasion of Ukraine. At that time, the team had just relocated to a new office in Kharkiv, which was equipped with new technology. Unfortunately, the office was bombed and the equipment was stolen by russian soldiers.


The war caught us in Kharkiv. In the first hours of the full-scale russian invasion, we were driving in a car, calling all our clients to let them know that we remained available, will continue to work, and meet all deadlines (which we eventually managed to do). We also called our team members to assist them with evacuation.
– Andrii Svyrydov, CEO, Founder, and Solution Architect of Corpsoft Solutions

What happened in the first 3 months?

Once everyone was safe and work could continue, Andrii, along with the marketing team, developed a strategy for the year to keep the business going. They also started to grow the marketing department and increase the process of attracting new clients.

In the 4th month, the decision was made to relocate to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, open an office, and purchase new equipment for the team. Everything was going well until the blackouts began in the fall of 2022, which forced us to switch back to remote work because the office was no longer operational. This significantly reduced the team’s productivity as people were tired from the war, while clients on their end returned to business as usual.

📍 In mid-2022, the company reached a significant milestone by officially registering Corpsoft Solutions LLC in Delaware, USA. This step brought us closer to our clients and partners and marked a key achievement in 2022.

What did Andrii do?

  • Increased salaries by 1.5 times and gave them to employees in the early days of the war
  • Launched a project to help Ukrainian refugees in the U.S. —, and in Israel — OringHelp
  • Purchased vehicles and equipment for the Ukrainian Armed Forces
  • Sent donations, and assisted directly those who reached out to him

What did the employees do?

  • Evacuated to safety
  • Maintained communication with clients while on the road informing them that “everything is fine”
  • Did all possible and impossible to fulfill all commitments

Creating Value Beyond the Digital Realm

Andrii has been deeply involved in volunteer work since his student days. During the war, he has fulfilled his moral duty to help from the very beginning and continues to do so. In this challenging time, his valuable moral principles, digital expertise, and a large team of talented individuals have come together to create projects that assist those in need.


Together we launched several startups, including one particularly notable project, UAWelcome, which has earned the award for “Most Influential Initiative in the USA, 2022”

Thanks to all these efforts and unity, we have not only managed to retain clients but also make a mark in both the digital world and the real world, where help is needed by both future business owners and ordinary people facing issues related to their lives and safety.



Some might expect that this time would lead to a drop in morale and perhaps even fatigue from Andrii and the team as we faced an extremely difficult period. But that was not the case. Challenges always make us stronger and test how high we can rise.

Nevertheless, how terrifying war may seem, it also pushed Corpsoft Solutions toward new opportunities: new places, people, and partnerships.

The decision to move to Prague (Czech Republic) was more than solid, as it had become much harder to sell digital solutions from Ukraine without risking business in Europe and the USA.

In 2023, the Corpsoft Solutions team took another big step forward by launching several internal startups and starting partnerships with well-known clients in various industries. It marked a new chapter in the company’s development, expanding our client base and expertise in different fields.

Throughout this period, we have been actively working in the following niches:

imageReal Estate
imageFitness & Sport
image3D Printing
imageBusiness Services

Our collaboration in these areas has benefited both us (by broadening our knowledge and enhancing our skills) and our clients, allowing them to implement innovative solutions developed by Corpsoft Solutions. These solutions meet specific industry needs and reflect our commitment to creating value through advanced technology.

2024 - ...

Present and Future

We can’t predict the future but now Corpsoft Solutions is an international company with specialists from all over the world. We continue to grow, expand our team, and work on new innovative projects that change our world every day.

The motto that drives our minds is:


Believe in your work. Any crisis can be both a weakness and a strength. The key is to never stop and keep moving forward.

It is also reflected in the values we formed over the years:


Honest and open relationships with clients and within the team.


Fast and high-quality project execution.


Implementing modern technologies to improve results.

imageEffective Communication

Maintaining a productive dialogue with clients and within the team.

In 2024, our portfolio includes pioneering projects such as the niche marketplace Properguild for New York providers, and the healthcare platform DappleDoc, offering online dermatology diagnosis based on photos.

We also started working with MIDFIX, a major supplier of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) products. We take pride in our work for this client, as we created the whole digital ecosystem that simplifies quoting, training, and product management processes. Today, such an ecosystem is suitable for any business, as it includes several interconnected digital products designed to enhance business efficiency and improve user experience.


Selected portfolio

⌛ 6 months 👥 5 team-members
  • Paperless service

The company approached with a request to evaluate the current state of the application, which was not working correctly, fix the current bugs and implement subsequent phases to expand it. Their previous developers were not up to the task and were demanding a fee until the project was completed.


  • CSS3 CSS3
  • Elasticsearch Elasticsearch
⌛ 3 months 👥 5 team-members
  • Digital Transformation

We have been building a digital solution for a co-working space to automate their booking and payment processes. This platform is expected to manage seat booking and availability, allow users to review their expenses, and use the integrated billing system. This is the future of workplace booking!


  • CSS3 CSS3
  • Laravel Laravel
⌛ 3 months 👥 5 team-members
  • Startup Development

This is a unique learning platform for sharing experiences and knowledge, allowing content creators to provide access to unique learning materials and help learners study using the information provided. See what’s special about custom e-learning platform development and why it’s useful in sales.


  • CSS3 CSS3
  • MySql MySql
⌛ 6 month 👥 4 team-members
  • Mobile Application Development

The dating mobile app is a groundbreaking social discovery application that connects users with genuine people through real video profiles. Unlike traditional dating apps that rely on static photos, the MateFinder mobile app offers a unique experience by allowing users to explore the video profiles of others, providing a more authentic and engaging way to meet new people.


  • Firebase Firebase
  • Flutter Flutter

Corpsoft Solutions continues to grow and attract top talent from around the world to work on ambitious projects, aiming to expand our team to 100 specialists.

The next chapter in our journey is to become a corporation, allowing us to be a valuable and supportive partner for business projects, startups, and companies with a shared goal: to drive digital transformation and make a difference in the world.

This story is just the beginning. The future belongs to those who are ready to create it today.

Our leadership

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Andrey Svyrydov

Founder / CEO / Solution Architect

For over 10 years in the tech sector, I founded more than 10 successful SaaS products and startups, including If you are an enthusiastic entrepreneur with exciting ideas, book a 1-on-1 call with me now! See you soon!

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