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Enhancing EdTech Solutions with Innovative Web Development

Average reading time: 3 mins 33 secs

The EdTech sector encompasses many digital tools and platforms designed to make the learning process more efficient and easier. In this article, we explore how web development is revolutionizing education, what LMSs are, and what types there are.

11 September 2023
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From Inception to Expansion – All You Need to Know About Startup Growth Stages

Average reading time: 4 mins

New business ideas appear every second in our rapidly changing world of constant innovations and growth. Millions of intelligent and ambitious professionals generate new startup projects faster than you can say “revenue”. To win in this digital race and succeed in your startup development, it isn’t enough to have just an idea – you need a solid plan to bring it to life.

29 August 2023
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How to build an MVP: The Key to Launching Successful Digital Products

Average reading time: 4 mins 18 secs

Creating a minimum viable product (MVP) in the world of digital product development is the most critical step on the way to creating a successful solution. This article will explore the MVP concept, its importance to customers, its benefits, and what it can offer. By following the principles of rapid launch and iteration based on user feedback, entrepreneurs can effectively engage their target audience and create a product that solves real problems. So, let’s dive in!

21 June 2023
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Partnership with DesignRush: creation of an innovative platform for finding the best digital agencies

Average reading time: 1 mins 40 secs

DesignRush: an innovative platform gathering top agencies and experts in design, marketing, and web and mobile app development from more than 50 countries. Developed in collaboration with the Corpsoft.io team, this platform provides users with the ability to quickly select the ideal business partners.

09 May 2023
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The main challenges of the custom ed-tech software development and how to deal with them

Average reading time: 2 mins 58 secs

Developing software for the educational sector is a challenge in itself. In this article, we will use our own experience as an example of what to consider during development to create a product that improves the educational process.

27 April 2023
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A Startup to Aid Ukrainian Refugees Becomes the Most Impactful Initiative in the USA in 2022

Average reading time: 2 mins 16 secs

According to Tigergraph, the UAwelcome platform won the Most Impactful Initiative in the U.S., ahead of 3,000 candidates from Ukraine. 💪

So what made the platform an award-winning success?

16 January 2023
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