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  • Testing Sessions And User Interviews For UX In Dev Sprints

    One of our clients provides a unique offering in the educational area: innovative and one-of-a-kind kits for space-based research for kids', classrooms, or afterschool programs. The experiment kits provide the opportunity to explore the exciting research on the International Space Station.
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  • Improve Business Efficiency With Easy Flipping Tool

    English sentences go from left to right. Arabic sentences go from right to left. It could be just a minor peculiarity if it was not increasing worker’s time when translating documents of various types (PDF or TXT docs, Presentations PPTX, Excel tables, etc) from Arabic to English and vice versa.
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  • 120 mil push messages daily for almost no costs

    The challenge to resolve: high costs on one of the services used for push messages. The solution we offered: custom service, that would be based on FireBase messaging + Google Cloud platform services. Results provided: massive scale (more than 120 000 000 messages) and dropped internal costs (average monthly costs $5-10k).
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  • Despite the crisis, ventures will be focusing on 6 areas in 2020-2021

    Despite global changes and totally reshaping business in many spheres, there are still plans and goals to hit in upcoming future. That is also true for VC and startups that are born and growing in such a turbulent time. It’s interesting to know the focus for those who are predating in this field.
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  • Business would be sliced and eaten by digitalization

    In fact, it's already happening.  Here's how. A bit of fun story, which we advise to take very seriously.
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  • Why product thinking makes a difference?

    Digital products no longer just support or entertain, they do create value for the business and for its users or customers. In fact, they are driving a direct income. Therefore, ignoring of the digital space and power of digital products can result in a poor competition game and a conservative old-fashioned way of operating.
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